Angunn's Blog

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Tag Archives: Kawau Island

Scandrett Regional Park

Last week we have decided to check Scandrett Regional Park, around one hour far away from Auckland. The park is located on a nice peninsula that offers lovely views over Kawau Bay and Kawau Island. The weather was perfect for walks, not too hot and with a little bit of clouds.

You get to Scandrett by taking State Highway 1 to Warkworth and then following the signs to Snells Beach. From there onwards, you just follow Mahurangi East Road and Martins Bay Road that takes you exactly at the park’s entrance.

The park itself is not very large, but does provide beautiful walks with amazing views. We decided for a perimeter track, which encompassed 3 tracks (around 1h and 30min): Mullet Point Track, Kawau Bay Track and Orchard Track. The Orchard Track gets you next to an old, historical farm, which is worth having a look at and especially the garden surrounding it. Past the farm, the track takes on a quiet beach, with warm waters and white fine sands. The last part of the track is quite a steady climb and requires a good level of fitness, otherwise you will find yourself making breaks more often than you would like to.

In the park you can also find nice picnic spots, camping sites and Auckland Council provided holiday bachs. I would definitely recommend it as a good spot to spend the weekend or just for a sunny picnic day.






