Angunn's Blog

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Monthly Archives: March 2012

Fascinating article about Bucharest

Living in a city and knowing what to expect from it, kind of limits your view about what is beautiful and what is not about it. Taking me for example and the fact that I lived in Bucharest for nearly 7 years, I would say I had some really strong opinions about it. I would say it is a crowded, polluted city, with a lot of architectural and esthetic flaws. But that is my view and unfortunately I lack that “tourist hat” that would allow me to see the good sides as well. On the other hand, after reading the article below and having some further thoughts I said… why not?… Why not consider Bucharest from a touristic point of view? In the end, when you are visiting, most of the times you will never see the hidden, bad sides of a city.

Lets take Paris for example. It has some really extraordinary sites that everyone is visiting and make the city famous for. But how many tourists interfaced with the sordid, outer parts of the city? Probably none, unless they have a really weird interest in that sort of things.

It is the same with Bucharest. Visit the nice, central parts and you might actually say it is an interested city, with a lot of history, modern buildings, vibrant night life, fancy shopping centers and good food. As a tourist you might actually like it. That is if you enjoy contradictions and variety. Good and bad, old and new, fancy architecture and gray communist buildings.

So how does the Romanian capital look like from a foreigner perspective? Well the article below gives some pretty good hints about this: Romania’s charming contradictory capital (NZ Herald). In the beginning I didn’t know what to believe about it. Was it a good article, was it a bad one? Was it true, was it lying? In the end it was pretty true to the reality… a nice view of Bucharest… a really interesting tourist opinion. For Romanians… another view of Bucharest, for others really good information if you are planning on visiting it or are just interested in another travel article.